Honey Dew

Owned by Marissa Helling


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Resin:  Galatea
Classic Spanish Mustang Mare sculpted by Kristina Lucas Francis
Color:  Palomino
Painter:  RJW

MHA 14-3rd AR American Pony; MHA 12- 5th Work; PSL 11-2nd American Pony; BOB 11- 4th American Pony; BOB 14- 6th American Pony; CCL 12- 6th Work; MOKL 17- 2nd American pony, 2nd work; SR 17- 3rd American Pony; MHM 14-2nd breed; HHL Halter 13- 6th breed
Shown As: North American Sport Pony

Galatea resin page
Galatea gallery
Resins sculpted by Kristina Lucas Francis
Horses painted by RJW
Horses owned by Marissa Helling
Spanish Mustang gallery

All photos are copyrighted and may not be used without permission of the owner, photographer and/or uploading user.